
Open epub file
Open epub file

If you already added categories, they appear right below the list of the formats. Menu at the left side of the window helps you check your recently read books (Recently Read), all the books in the Library (All), the favorites (Favorites) and view the books sorted by the available formats (EPUB, MOBI, FB2, PDF, CBZ, CBR). Along with that it's possible to add a book to Favorites (star icon) and delete a book (recycle bin icon). In the table you can find such books data as title, author, reading progress, information about when the book was added to the Library and information about the number or added notes and highlights. You can access all the added books by clicking the “Library” button in the most left upper corner of the main window of Icecream Ebook Reader.Īll the books can be displayed in a form of a table or a book shelf – click the icon in the upper side of the program's working area to select a desired view (Table view or Bookshelf). The ePub reader also supports addition of the books and the folders to the Library by dropping them into the program's window. The “Add folder” button lets you add the folders with the books to the Library through the Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer will be opened, and you can browse your hard drive to find previously downloaded books. Alternatively, press the "Add book" button in the upper left corner of the main window. Click the “Add book to your library to start reading” button under the program’s logo in the center of the program's main window.

Open epub file